Advocacy and Lobbying
Engage Government Departments on Developmental Issues - Level 4
This guide will assist NGOs in learning how to engage government on developmental issues
Organise and Participate in Activities to Raise Awareness & Influence Authority - Level 4
This guide will assist NGOs and CBOs in learning how to raise awareness and organise effective lobbying, education, awareness and advocacy campaigns to influence government and other authorities on developmental issues
Organise Activities to Raise Awareness & Influence Authority - Level 2
This guide will assist CBOs in learning how to raise awareness and organise effective lobbying, education, awareness and advocacy campaigns to influence government and other authorities on developmental issues
Engage Government Departments on Developmental Issues - Level 2
This guide will assist NGOs and community structures learn how to lobby government and advocate on behalf of NGOs/communities
Establish and Run CBOs/NGOs
Develop and Lead Organisations - Level 4
This guide will assist NGO management teams to learn how to develop their and lead organisations
Facilitate Learning Processes Within Organisations - Level 4
This guide will enable NGOs leaders to facilitate effective learning processes within their organisations
Facilitate Planning and Participatory Processes for CBOs - Level 4
This guide will enable NGOs leaders to facilitate effective planning and participative processes within their orgainsations
Manage Staff and Volunteers - Level 4
This guide will enable NGO leaders to effectively manage staff and volunteers
Motivate and Co-ordinate Staff in an NGO - Level 2
This guide will enable NGO leaders to effectively motivate and coordinate staff in their organisation
Think Critically About One's Own Role in Community Development - Level 2
This guide enables NGO and CBO staff and volunteers to learn to think critically about why they are involved in developmental projects and processes
Plan and Manage Community Development Projects - Level 4
This guide will enable NGO leaders to understand how to plan and manage community development projects
Set Up a CBO - Level 2
This guide will enable community members to understand how to set up a CBO
Establish and Maintain Formal Structures of an NGO - Level 4
This guide will enable NGO leaders to understand how to set up and maintain formal systems and structures within the organisation
Admin and Financial Management
Financial Management for CBOs - Level 4
This guide will enable CBO leaders to understand how to effectively manage finances within the CBO
Operate Basic Admin Systems in a Small CBO - Level 2
This manual provides information that will help you to develop skills and acquire knowledge to operate a basic administration system for a small CBO
Implement and Maintain Basic Administration Systems of a CBO - Level 4
This manual provides useful information that will assist you to develop skills and acquire knowledge to run a more effective administration system in an NGO/CBO
HIV/AIDS Facilitators Guide - Level 1
This guide enables NGOs/CBOs to understand how to deal with HIV/AIDS in the workplace and in communities
Introduction to Community Development Practice - Level 4
This guide enables learners to understand the different types of development, and the processes that take place in community development
Use Media to Advance the NGO/CBO - Level 4
This guide will enable NGOs/CBOs to understand how to use various forms of media to market and advance their organisational goals
Housing and Sustainable Settlements
Housing Calculator with Instructions (XSML format)
This cost benefit analysis calculator enables developers and housing officials to project the costs and savings of ecological interventions over time
Standard Bank Green Guideline Document
This guide was developed along side the housing calculator as a green building guideline for developers and housing practitioners
Creating Housing in Sustainable Communities NQF4
This guide was developed for housing officials and provides an overview of ecological housing interventions in the low income housing sector
Financial Lifeskills, Tenure Options and Contracts NQF 1
This guide enables community members to understand how to manage their personal finances, how to read and understand contracts and provides an overview of housing tenure options
Integrated Sustainable Human Settlements NQF 1
This manual provides an overview of the relationship between society and the environment, and how human activities impact on the environment