
The African Sustainability Academy offers Accredited and Certificate Courses and training programs for non-profits, corporates, government agencies, youth and community members across Africa.

Capacity Building and Training in Africa

After thorough research into the skills and training needs of NGOs, communities, youth, corporates and government agencies, the founders of the African Sustainability Academy (ASA) determined that the importance of skills development in these sectors cannot be over-emphasized.

As employees transition through various phases of their careers, their roles, responsibilities and expected outputs change. With these changes, employees often require increased capacity and additional skills. Moreover, unemployed youth and community members without work experience or job-ready skills require capacity development programs that will enable them to find meaningful employment.

In order to meet these challenges, the ASA has designed accredited and certificate courses aimed at upskilling existing NGO, government and corporate employees (from junior to senior management staff and board members); enabling them to perform more effectively and efficiently in the workplace, and courses for community members and unemployed youth. Certificate courses run from one day to two weeks.

Accredited courses run from one week to 18 months, depending on the content and course outcomes. Courses can also be customized, according to the organisation’s needs.

The Objectives of the African Sustainability Academy include:

  • To improve organizational and staff efficiency through accredited and certificate courses and capacity building programs
  • To acknowledge the potential in, and provide continuous skills development opportunities for NGO, corporate and government staff, community members and youth
  • To bridge the “gap” between technical expertise and management / leadership roles and responsibilities.

Typical attendees would include:

  • NGO and corporate CEOs, directors, board members and executive teams
  • Fund, business development, HR, finance, marketing and communications, community development managers
  • Junior managers and support staff where appropriate
  • Government officials and councilors
  • Community members and youth
  • Staff earmarked for promotion

Training Methodology

All courses are taught in an interactive manner, with lectures, practical examples, case studies, software demonstrations, shared participant experiences, and practical sessions. All participants take part in group work and individual exercises and everyone has the opportunity to participate.

Courses for government include renewable energy systems and technologies, sustainable service delivery and more.

Seminars and courses for corporates include Mini-MBAs; people management and team development; policy development and more.

For our annual training schedule please visit our Events page.

Course Prospectus

Download our NGO Course Prospectus here.

Download our Corporate Course Prospectus here.

For country-specific training please visit our EVENTS page